lauantai 2. huhtikuuta 2016

Spring sky

Every time I watch the sky after a few weeks break the confusion is massive. ‘Why is it all messed up, why is everyone out of place?’ But since I’m more familiar with autumn sky it’s good for me to get to know spring views a little better. Especially Leo, Virgo and Gemini were really easy to spot and even though Orion is slowly going back to horizon it could still be seen in the evening. Jupiter happened to be very close to the Moon a while ago so it was easy to find – I’m slowly getting better with stars, constellations, clusters, nebulae etc., but I still suck at recognizing planets.

Here are some pictures – sorry for the quality: most of these I took lying on the bonnet of my car trying not to breathe since I don’t have a tripod.

Boötes; Corona Borealis; Serpens Caput (not completely sure about the last one, though)

Leo; Jupiter

Virgo; probably a part of the Crow on the right side of Spica

Canis Minor; Gemini; Auriga; Hyades star cluster

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