torstai 11. kesäkuuta 2015


It shouldn’t be such a surprise.

In fact, there is nothing surprising about it. It’s natural. It’s life.

And yet I find it hard to believe. Slightly curious it might be since we all know the rules. The real surprise is, methinks, that the rules applied to him too.

I’m literally afraid to write about Sir Christopher Lee and the sad news we received today. There are so many clichés that can hardly be avoided when writing about something like this and I’m aware that everything I’ve got to say seems lame and vacuous. Perhaps there is no way to write something great and extraordinary about someone who was so great and extraordinary himself.

There is no other actor whose work I adore as much as I adore Lee’s. Talent and intelligence of that caliber are and will remain without an equal. Lee had great skills both in film and in music and his linguistic capacity was far beyond impressive. His mere voice was enough to make me fall in love with a film or the character he played and should I choose one sound to be the last one I hear that would probably be it. Those 93 years were a lifetime of art, skill and wondrous work that I’m proud to witness whether by watching a film or listening to a song.

Sir Christopher, my hat is off to you and for both your work and your life I applaud you.

Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Valimar. Namárië!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Olin järkyttynyt kun kuulin tänään. Ei sen pitäisi yllätys olla, ikää kuitenkin niin paljon, mutta yllätyin silti. Kuvailit asiaa hyvin, se on osa elämää, mutta sitä ei jotenkin ajattele sen koskevan kaikkia henkilöitä, joten ajattelee, että jotkut elävät ikuisesti, kuten juuri jotkut näyttelijät tai laulajat. Vaikeaa hyväksyä sitä, mutta se on osa elämää.

  2. Totta, joihinkin suuriin persooniin ja taiteilijoihin liittyy kuolemattomuuden ja ikuisuuden illuusio, vaikka realiteetit kuinka olisivat tiedossa. Niin yksinkertaista ja luonnollista ja silti niin vaikea uskoa.
