You might be wondering whether I’m aware that there is nothing in these pictures. Don’t worry. I know they're black.
Should you be one of those who wield endless good will and eyes of an
eagle (although I don’t know how well eagles can see colours) you might be able
to see a dim, greenish area in these pictures. You don’t? Then
my eyes are creating visions to please me. The reason why I’m posting these pathetic ‘photos’ (note the scornful
tone) is that we had northern lights here last night. Here comes the great
question: why am I in the city the one time aurorae can be seen in southern
Finland? Due to massive light pollution the aurorae seemed quite dim but I’m
nevertheless thrilled I saw them. I find it curious that I've lived 22 years in
Finland, well above 60°0’ N and still haven’t seen northern lights until now.
Even though I like photographing I don’t know much about it. I’d love to
be able to photograph stars, northern lights and that kind of things but I lack
both the technical and the artistic skills. I accept my limits but still want to mention a
couple of excuses: a) the aurorae were
dim because of the unnaturally bright lights in the town and b) these pictures were taken with a cellphone. Forgive me.
Since the pictures are as miserable as they are it might seem weird I’m
putting them here in the first place. My absolutely cheesy and sentimental explanation
is the following: What really matters isn't what the photos look like but the
moment when I took them. As I said last night was the first time I saw aurorae
and it felt so surreal that I thought I should have at least something to
convince me the next morning that I actually saw them. It felt unbelievable. They
were so beautiful and seemed like fleeting veils of light spreading pale
emerald shine that alternated between haze and brightness. Seeing them was both
strange and familiar; somehow I felt as if I had been looking at them all my
Yep. Sparklers. On a lark? Absolutely.
P.S. I was on the countryside the other weekend and spend a lot of time
gazing at stars now that I still can – soon enough the nights will be too bright.
I think I recognize at least Ursa
Minor and Major, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Auriga, Corona Borealis, Boötes, Cepheus,
Orion and the Pleiades. The only stars I think I know for sure are Sirius,
Arcturus and Spica. I almost wish our summer nights were darker so that I could
both see the stars and smell the wonderful scent of summer. (And pretend to be
an elf. Laugh if you please.)
Mä en oo vieläkään koskaan nähnyt revontulia. :D Tai käynyt Lapissa talvella. Oon käynyt kerran Kemissä ja Torniossa, mutta se oli kesällä ja olin siellä vaan yhden vuorokauden. Suomalaisena haluaisin ehdottomasti päästä vielä Lappiin talvella, mieluiten vielä johonkin paikkaan, jossa voisi tehä jotain ns. lappilaisia juttuja, ja nähdä revontulet. :D
VastaaPoistaMäkään en ole ikinä käynyt Lapissa... Ehdottomasti kyllä haluaisin! Olen jotenkin niin pohjoisen lapsi, että kaikki tuollainen kiehtoo. Karu kauneus miellyttää mun silmää kaikkein eniten, ja sitähän Lapissa olisi.
VastaaPoistaTänään muuten on ilmeisesti myös mahdollisuus nähdä revontulia, kannattaa kokeilla, jos pääset johonkin, jossa ei valot hirveästi häiritse :).