Last week I finished two important things I’ve been working on the whole
spring – finished for now, that is, not completely. Now I have a break from
them even though there is always some schoolwork to do. One of these projects
concerns Tolkien’s legendarium and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Writing
has been hard and slow at times but also very rewarding and intriguing. I
thought I couldn’t love Tolkien more than I already do but apparently it is
I haven’t really been able to study this week because I’ve got fever and
it clouds my minds a little bit – I don’t complain, though, I’ve been having wonderfully
bizarre dreams. One night I was trying to memorize the bloodline of the Noldor
(half believing they were real), and in another dream I asked my mother to
defuse the bomb that was set in our VCR. There’s nothing like feverish slumber.
Anyway, shamefully I had to skip a couple of classes because of it and had to
think of something to do. I was too tired to read (which is rare) and since I
don’t have to write anything big right now after getting those two texts
returned I thought I could just relax and watch a film:
‘Hmm, here is my chance to totally forget about the projects and
assignments and put them on the side for a while. I’ll do something different
for change. Hmm, maybe I’ll watch The
Return of the King.’
I’m never quite sure what counts as leisure, what as working time. And
I love it the way it is.